
All you need to know about Openshift

RedHat Openshift is an Open-source containerized platform that provides developers and IT Organizations with a cloud application platform for deploying new applications o a secure, scalable resources with minimal configuration and management overhead. 

Redhat is Offering Openshift in multiple different ways, Customers who prefer not to manage their own OpenShift clusters can use RedHat OpenShift Online, a public cloud platform provided by RedHat. Both OpenShift Online and OpenShift Container Platform are based on the OpenShift Origin open source software project which was built on other open source projects such as Dockers and Kubernetes

Main Features of OpenShift: 

  • Self-Service Platform : OpenShift allows developers to create applications from templates or from their own source code management repositories using source-to-image . System Administrators can define resource quotas and limits for users and projects to control the use of system resources 
  • Multi-Language Support: OpenShift supports Java, Node.js, PHP, Perl and Ruby directly fro RedHat and many others from partners and the larger Docker community.
  • Automation: OpenShift provides application life-cycle management features to automatically rebuild and redeploy containers when upstream source or container images change.
  • Collaboration: OpenShift allows you to share projects and customized runtimes within an organization or with the larger community. 
  • Container Portability: In OpenShift applications and services are packaged using standard container images and composite applications are managed using Kubernetes. These Images can be deployed to other platforms any time you want. 
  • Open Source: Yes, it is Open Source .
  • Choice of Cloud: (or No Cloud ) Deploy OpenShift Container platform on bare-metal servers, Hypervisors from multiple vendors , and most IaaS cloud providers you like. 
  • Dynamic Storage Management: OpenShift provides both static and dynamic storage management for container data u sing the Kubernetes concepts of Persistent Volumes and Persistent Volume Claims.
  • Scalability and HightAvailability : OpenShift provides container multi tenancy and a distributed application platform including elasticity to handle increased traffic on demand. it provides HA so that applications can survive events such as the loss of a physical machine. 
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