
What is Kubernetes ?

Kubernetes, or K8s is an Open-source platform that automates Container Operations. It is being used for automating deployment, scaling and management of Containerized applications.

Kubernetes was originally developed and designed by engineers at Google, Google generates more than 2 billion Container deployments per week and all of the Google to Youtube to Search runs on Containers using Kubernetes Orchestration platform.

Though Containers gives complete control over to developer for developing their applications, one Container is not enough to publish your application in Production, Real production applications span multiple containers across multiple hosts and in some cases multiple data centers and locations. Kubernetes Orchestration  Scale your Containers as per traffic volumes  across the clusters and locations and also manages the health of Containers over time.

What Can you do with Kubernetes ?

  • AutoScaling : It helps Scale your application up and down with simple command or automatically based on CPU usage. 
  • Automated Rollouts(backs): Kubernetes progressively Rollouts new changes to your application while its monitoring your application and making sure its not killing user sessions or causing application downtime.
  • Self-healing: Kubernetes constantly monitors your cluster health and check for failed containers and replaces and reschedules your nodes when they die.
  • Storage Automation : Kubernetes automatically mount and add the storage of your choice to run stateful applications in the cluster.
  • Secret Management: Kubernetes deploy and update secrets and applications configuration without re-building your Container image. 

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